The Solar Plexus Chakra

This week we are getting into the third chakra, the Solar Plexus. This chakra is very much about individuation, and our invest the world. Whenever we are balanced in this chakra, this manifests as being connected with others, without losing ourselves in another, and remaining alert to our ultimate aloneness.

The Solar Plexus chakra is situated just underneath the ribs, and relates to the organs to do with digestion - the liver, the stomach, and the pancreas Solar Plexus chakra. Conditions which can be often linked to a next chakra imbalance are digestive issues, allergies, crohn's disease, irritable bowel syndrome and diabetes.

Whenever we are imbalanced in this chakra, we are able to often feel as though we're victims in our personal lives, powerless to change our situation and stuck. (I think this emotional stuckness is often reflected in the physical stuckness of elimination which could lead to the diseases discussed earlier to do with digestion.) The main emotion below all this is usually unexpressed anger. As well as manifesting in terms of powerlessness (which is of a deficiency in this chakra) additionally it may manifest as an excess: being power-hungry, aggressive and controlling others.

The balanced position in this chakra is one where we've a wholesome, balanced sense of our personal worth, we're confident in ourselves and our abilities, we are disciplined, without it veering into over control, and we can be spontaneous and playful.

With regards to healing this chakra, it's often my sense it is about bringing movement to the stagnant, stuck energy. Shaking and free form dancing are very good because of this; other exercise such as running or swimming can also be good, but there is something about the unpredictability and spontaneity of shaking and free-form dancing that I'm is very good here.

An actual cleanse can also be good. From the carrying out a 5 day herbs cleanse, which involved drinking herbal "shakes" 4 or 5 times a day, and not eating. I felt afterwards physically lighter - as although the cleanse had allowed me to release a "layer" of negativity that I had been carrying round with me. (If you're enthusiastic about this, it's good to talk to the suppliers of this type of products before with them, particularly if you have a preexisting health condition.)

Energy healing and the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) can be helpful here. Sound healing, chakra balancing and colour healing can help to balance the Solar Plexus chakra. More specifically, an interior child healing or a connection cord healing can help the person heal the big event or events which led to the imbalance in this chakra. Often, this will be the time from 18 months to 4 years (including the terrible twos!) - when the child is beginning to feel separate from the mother, and yet needs the assurance that she is still there. Often, the little one can feel that the parents will impose on him; this could cause unexpressed anger. An internal child healing can be quite a safe place expressing what it wasn't possible to state at the time.

Similarly, EFT is very useful for going back to a youth event that remains in the power field, and is influencing our behaviour still, and letting go of it.

Finally, as with another chakras, chakra balancing mediations are helpful. The balanced colour of the Solar Plexus chakra is a bright yellow. And the balanced sound is "OOOH."

So, the following post will transfer to the territory of the heart chakra - the bridge between the reduced three chakras we have already looked at, and the higher three chakras (throat, third eye and crown.)
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