The 15th Century Program of the Islamic World
Expensive Visitors,
The religion is Islam in the sight of Allah (swt). The purchased religion posseses an "invisible aspect" linked to the heart besides "apparent aspect" linked to worship. The invisible aspect of religion linked to heart is named "Belief" and the apparent aspect linked to praise is named "Islam ".
Belief constitutes the beds base of Islam.
A person's performing all worships without belief is worthless.
"If anybody rejects belief, fruitless is his work, and in the Hereafter he is going to be in the ranks of those individuals who have missing (all spiritual good)." [Maída, 5]
If he's belief in his heart but he doesn't perform the worships because of laziness, Guide To islam he is going to be rewarded Heaven following he's tried as much as problems in his worship. The individual with a small belief and concern with Allah (swt) enters Heaven at last. It's purchased in the hadiths that:
"An individual who has a little belief in his heart can escape from the fire." (Tirmizi)
The individual experiences Islam in accordance with his faith.
The person who accepts Islam with its apparent factors is named "Muslim ".The decision about an individual is taken with apparent aspects. In case a individual states he believes in the unique and single Author and everything reported by His messengers and studies his belief by stating "Lailahe illallah", he's determined to be a "Muslim ".The language he speaks doesn't matter.
Rasulullah (s.a.w) purchased that:
"Do not call the people who claim Lailahe illallah unbelievers due to their sins! Those who call them unbelievers are unbelievers themselves." [Buhari]
Allah (swt) purchased in the verses of Qur'an that:
"O ye who think! When ye get abroad in the cause of Allah, investigate cautiously, and claim to not anybody who presents you a salutation: "Thou art none of a believer!" (Nisaa, 94)
# The decision of the heart belongs to Allah (swt)
Expensive Visitors, avoid defining an individual who claims he's a Muslim by stating "I rely on Allah (swt)" a misbeliever.
The decision of the heart belongs to Allah (swt). None of us may decide a person's faith.
In case a individual claims he believes but he doesn't think or his belief has concerns and hesitations, it is a problem between the individual and Allah (swt). The individual is acknowledged as a Muslim unless there's not just a obvious refusal sign in his performs and words. He is at the mercy of Islam Law.
Those who reach salvation would be the believers who rely on Allah and perform great works.
"Those who think not in the Signs of Allah,- Allah won't information them, and theirs will be a grievous Chastisement." (Nahl, 104)
"But he who performs deeds of righteousness, and has belief, can have no concern with harm or of any curtailment (of what is his due)." (Ta-ha, 112)
One should think Allah, His angels, Holly publications, Messengers, Hereafter and Destiny belief for a real belief. It's purchased in the verses from the Qur'an that:
"O ye who think! Believe in Allah and His Messenger, and the scripture which He hath delivered to His Messenger and the scripture which He delivered to those before (him). Any who denieth Allah, His angels, His Publications, His Messenger, and the Day of Judgment, hath gone far, far astray." (Nisaa, 136)
"Verily, everything have We made in ratio and measure." (Qamar, 49)
# Islam could be the religion of tawhid (oneness)
Expensive Visitors,
Islam could be the religion of oneness. The key of the religion constitutes of thinking usually the one and unique Allah who generates, handles everything and owns everything He created. This key is named tawhid (oneness) belief. This key is quickly said with the phrase Lâilâhe illallah. This key should never be harmed. Rasulullah (s.a.w) purchased that:
"Gabriel aleyhisselam heralded who dies without worshipping any such thing except Allah (swt) enters Paradise." [Buhari]
"Whoever breathes his last with the language: lailaha illallah, enters Paradise." [Ebu Davud]
Islam is a life-style whose concepts are purchased relating with human nature with human creation.
"So set thou thy face truly to the religion being straight; the type where Allah has made mankind: no change (there is) in the task (wrought) by Allah;" (Rum, 30)
The human is established so as to know Allah and get from His heavenly virtue in formation and designed with remarkable gifts accordingly. Allah requested the angels and djinn to grovel to human whom He blew from his soul and named His caliph on earth. Individual is a developing creature. Thus, actually there are some changes in line with human growth in the exercise of the religion, purchased the fundamental key, which purchases that Allah is the only real Author of apparent and invisible worlds, and one should only be His servant and find their meaning in the phrase "Lâilâhe illallah" never changed.
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