The Magazine

More women are praying to save their severely tangled matted hair instead of shaving it off.

We have prayers for weight loss, so why not tangled hair.    Why is it considered vain to Pray for Help With tangled Hair?  I mean, is there anything wrong with asking for a little help to deal with the pain of tangled, matted hair?
It is understandable that some might find this prayer line too familiar and vain. What happens when the tangled hair is becoming a problem and leading to depression from tangled hair?
Well, you say and a little prayer for help and find a way to take down the tangled, matted hair. Praying for a solution to your VERY tangled matted hair is not a vain effort.  According Psalm 100:3 “ Know that the LORD is God.  It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the take down remover cream for matted tangled hair sheep of his pasture.  Detangling very matted tangled hair is such a strange type of work .  It doesn’t make sense how or why the hair can intertwine to create webs of layers of deep matrices of matted knots.  There are many jobs in the world that are so strange-its amazing that our brains can’t even make sense of it.   In fact the bible says that God does strange work.  Isaiah 28:21
A little prayer and depression from tangled hair.
While prayer might not take the tangled, matted hair and detangle them, it can give you hope and guide you to a good solution. It can help you relive some of that depression as well once you are guided. Better still you can achieve clarity on what to do by reading on God’s relationship with hair.
When dealing with depression from tangled hair, do not be ashamed. There nothing vain in wishing for smooth hair that doesn’t get so tangled it becomes a burden. Just don’t allow this trouble to make you so depressed you forget that even the tiniest hair is important to God.   Matthew 10:30;  states that even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.  This means that  it is not so farfetched to seek God’s help in dealing with your tangled, matted hair. Not just the hair but also with the depression that you have from it.
How to detangle matted hair
Anyone who is frustrated enough with tangled hair to say a prayer must have tried conventional detangling methods, there are however other ways to detangle your hair and keep it (because if you are struggling to detangle it, that means cutting the hair is not in the books).
Thanks to growing trends and awareness online of hair, which is easily tangled, we now have detangle salons that cater specifically to tangled hair. Amen!
These tangled hair tech salons are well equipped to deal with the worse of tangled, matted hair. That is a prayer answered.  You can find one that is close to you by searching online using location.  Another way to handle your tangled, matted hair is by using Take Down removal detangler cream.
While minor tangles can be detangled using good conditioners, the deeper leveled matting and tangled knots will force you to pray may need something a bit more stubborn. Stubborn enough to combat the tangled mess on your head.
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