The Magazine

Why World Peace Is Perhaps not In The Arms Of Spiritual Leaders

It's nearly laughable to see spiritual leaders pleading for peace when their dogma and false gods are the cause of the conflicts today raging. Despite the suffering and enduring of these people they contact to them to hope their false phrases to the idols that have no power. It's as though they do not know that their gods are manufactured by men and derive from myths. It's extremely hard, however, that the leaders are also ridiculous and misinformed to know the real history of the organisations they lead.
Constantine, emperor of the Roman Empire, recognized the Catholic Church in 325 AD. He produced Jane into it since the Mom of God since she may be the Mom God of Babylon. Her achieve is large and the suffering she inflicts horrendous. Revelation 17:5 calls her BABYLON THE GREAT and mother of harlots (religions) and abominations of the earth.
The Vatican, which he created as a parliament of bishops to regulate his empire, appointed Augustine to setup the Muslim part of it through Mohammed, somebody to one of his parishioners. After that it used its power with leaders to have him recognized as a prophet.
Jerome was also appointed to unify the Church of Constantine and he did this by posting into it the law, festivals, outfits, tools, schedule, and get of service. We were holding just like those used in marabout paris the Islamic faith of Rome that has been an extension of the rituals of Babylon. That town was occupied by the Amors who created Roma (reverse Amor) and their background was included over by the Vatican. It concealed its sources and connection with Islam through its techniques and mysteries.
Today these prepared spiritual entities are going to fight it out as siblings of exactly the same parent who hate each other. Caught in the centre will be the Jews and other branches of the Babylonian gods. In a single horrible swoop and with great abuse may that town be damaged and all who follow it (Revelation 18:21).
While spiritual leaders today demand peace they are like the criminal begging for the tips to the jail. They are in God's sight and is going to be damaged and none is going to be spared as their time is up.
The suffering of God has been inflicted on mankind because of the refusal to be produced beneath the laws of the Spirit. The Hill of God explains how and why the world as we all know it should end.
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