How to Deal With a Stubborn Friend

A stubborn person is person who refuses to alter his mind about a notion, opinion, or an activity he really wants to take, and refuses to give explanation to why he's resisting. Quite often, it's hard to attempt to convince someone who's stubborn and doesn't rely on anything except his ideas, so what makes an individual stubborn เด็ก ดื้อ?

Causes of stubbornness

1. The individual defends his opinion

A stubborn person might believe his opinion or idea is not liked by others and neglected, so he tries to create himself important by imposing his opinion on others.

2. Belief in his opinion

He might feel that what he thinks and believes is the facts and it is a well known fact, hence opposes anybody who doesn't accept him.

3. Pride

A persistent person might oppose anyone who says he's wrong. This stubborn person might stick with what he thinks for the sake of his pride.

4. Inner feelings of inferiority

An individual could possibly be stubborn because he may feel he is inferior in comparison to others. He tries to cover his weakness by screaming and imposing his opinion, so he can feel that he is better than everyone else.

Coping with a stubborn person

To learn how to deal with a stubborn person, follow the quick guide below:

1. Be flexible

Learn to be flexible and don't try to impose what you say on someone who is stubborn. Once you make an effort to force your opinion, this can lead to arguments. Try to look for common ground with the one who is stubborn and try not to appear that you realize significantly more than him.

2. Respect his opinion

Don't tell the stubborn person he is wrong. A persistent person doesn't like it when someone tells him he is wrong and he could close all doors of understanding and won't accept any other opinion.

3. Don't attack

To make a stubborn person accept your point of view, you must not attack him. Try showing him through your discussion that this is how you are feeling regarding the concept based on what he said.

4. Agree to disagree

If the conversation gets heated, then it is better to agree to disagree. If you think that each other won't accept you and he is being stubborn, then why you intend to continue with the conversation?

5. Show patience

When you're with a persistent person, you have to be patient. Don't give him a chance to irritate and upset you.

6. Avoid rushing in speech

When you talk, you need to be careful which words to use. In the event that you react in a negative way towards him without playing his idea, he could put you in a hard position. It's advisable to say something positive about his ideas each once a while, in order to encourage him to comprehend you better.

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