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What Skills Are Employers Looking For?

If you have lost your job, knowing which skills employers want will allow you to target your jobsearch and locate a new job more quickly.

Many so called soft skills are lacking in the workplace and if you have these, you will find they are required in almost any industry.The more skills you've, the more flexible you is going to be and flexibility is the main element to surviving the coming recession.

Communication Skills

They're in big demand in any career Umugenzi JobSearch Board, yet employers often cite these as lacking in the workplace. This can be a little surprising, since we all communicate with others on a daily basis.

However, we communicate with various people in various ways and knowing the right types of communication in a work environment is what matters when it comes to finding a job.

Teenagers use abbreviations when texting or emailing one another, which can be fine, but becomes a problem if they don't learn how to spell and construct sentences properly in addition to understanding text-speak.

So, if you are good at spelling and have a significant grasp of basic grammar you're at a plus in the task market. And if you can't spell and haven't got a hint about grammar, don't despair - it's not too difficult to learn. You may find everything required is free online. All you've got to accomplish is a simple search. Or if you prefer to utilize a book, you will find a lot of resources at your neighborhood library. Fifteen to twenty minutes a day should soon get your written communication as much as scratch.

Computer Skills

IT is used in almost every career and most people are computer literate these days. Young people, having developed with computers are in a plus here. However, whatever age you're, spending a bit of time becoming highly experienced in computer skills is worth it. You don't have to become a professional in everything. Choose an part of computing which is in demand and which you enjoy and then work at it until you become very, very good.

Research Skills

They are also in demand in several fields and if you have been a student or used the net extensively, particularly as part of your job or perhaps a college project, you can have many of this to tap into.

People Skills

This covers quite a range and includes the capability to get up with individuals from all walks of life and to work in a group and to take instructions from your own supervisors. Interpersonal skills are gained in almost every element of life from school and college to work and social occasions. So they are truly transferable skills and even though there isn't much work experience, you ought to have lots of examples to call upon.

Being Conscientious

Paying attention to detail, spending so much time and showing on time are typical important qualities which an employer will want to see.


Being able to adapt to changing circumstances, emergencies and some of the other unpredictable events which occur in the workplace is really a critical skill in the current climate.

These soft skills are typical also transferable skills and so there is a strong likelihood that you will have a way to draw upon many of your lifetime experiences when you have not used them in the workplace. Make sure you highlight these skills in your CV or résumé to enhance your chances of getting an interview.

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